Monday, April 19, 2010

Heidi comes for a visit...

Heidi Hinton came for a visit while her mom and dad went away for the weekend. It was hard to give her back :( I'm sure Jake will try to put her in his bookbag.
Nap time...
We told Heidi not to bother Kayce. You can tell she heard me because of how she is approaching her but must not have really believed me.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

USC Spring Game

Today was USC's Spring Game. We were so excited that Pop and Nana were able to go with us. It was a beautiful day. We did learn that Nana and Pop have the perfect season tickets...NOT IN THE SUN! It was fine sitting in the sun for the spring game but when it comes to the season, we're glad to have some shade.

The USC jersey that Jake is wearing was Jamie's when he was a little kid. How that happened was beyond me but I do have a picture of him wearing it :)

Jake was so glad he remembered his sunglasses. It was such a sunny day!!

Jake took this picture of the Gamecocks

Pop, Jake and Alyson

Mama and Nana taken by Jake

On our way in...

Nana and Jake

Loves riding on Daddy's shoulders

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter...Part 1

We spent most of Easter weekend in McCormick but made it back home for Easter at our church. We really love going there and love seeing everybody. Jake was so nice that he got together some of the Easter candy and shared with his special friends at church. Below are a couple of pictures...a couple...didn't do a good job with pictures at all. :(

Jake's Easter basket.
He told me the Easter Bunny did a good job knowing his favorites!
Way to go Easter Bunny!!The Easter Bunny left mama a basket too...Very nice!This helped make his Easter basket perfect.He took a bite out of the ear but that was it.

Hopefully Part from Nana/Pop and Grandmama/Papa's house...will be posted soon.

Hope everybody had a great Easter and as Jake loves to say,

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter (part2)

We headed to Edgefield Saturday afternoon to celebrate Easter with the family. It was such a beautiful day and very glad that everyone could make it.

Jamie was finishing up with cutting when we got there.
It didn't take long for the kids to find the tractor.

Emily was smart to pick Gary's lawnmower and Uncle Jamie just had to deal with it....
Let's Race!!
Jamie has been DEFEATED!!
Sweet Sweet Will
Jake, Emily and Matthew ready to find Easter eggs.Will patiently waiting on the kids to come back to see what goodies were in the eggs.Jake sharing his eggs with WillEmily, Jake, and Matthew


Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jake's Flying Adventure

Jamie and Jake took a trip to Atlanta on Saturday just to let Jake experience flying. They flew from Charlotte to Atlanta and back to Charlotte. We have been counting down the days and when it finally got here he didn't know what to do with himself. He loved the entire process but Jamie said that his face when they were about to take off for the first time was totally priceless!!! Below are some great pictures...thanks to Jamie for making sure he got enough for a photo book!! :)

Ready to go through security for the first flight.Excited to be able to touch the airplane before boarding.Ready to fly to AtlantaJust talked to Mama before taking off.Standing in front of the airplane in Atlanta before boarding.Loves his new 'little' airplane.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Emily's trip to Gym

Jamie and I both got to experience gym in a whole new way. Through the age of 3 parents participate in the gym class with the child. This week I had Emily and Jamie had Isaac. Here are some of the things we did...

Streches to start the class ...

Balancing...Swinging on the bars...Ready to jump in the pit with Uncle Jamie watching...Waiting for the coloring sheet and stamps on both hands and both feet. All of the kids look forward to this part every week....

We had such an awesome time. I'm not sure how Matt does it EVERY week but filling in was definitely something we hope to get to do again.

After gym, everybody piled in my car to eat at Sonic. Jake loves Sonic and wanted to treat Emily to it that night. We didn't have the 3rd row in so it was pretty tight. A great experience just the same.
After we got home, the kids all got clean and into their wooly bullies for some fun in the playroom.

Monday, February 15, 2010


For Jamie's birthday this year I let Jake make all of the decisions. I didn't do so good with the pictures but as you can see the theme was CLEMSON! Cake, balloons, plates, napkins, present. Jake put together a great party!

Happy Birthday Jamie!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Isaac

Isaac had an awesome birthday party at Money Business. Everyone, both young and old, had a great time!!
Caroline and JakeWAY TO GO MATT!!
Jamie...not so good!